Transport in Sogndal
Bus schedule in Sogndal Municipality
Check out for bus transport in Sogndal, Kaupanger, Fjærland and Leikanger.
Local bus schedules:
Sogndal Taxi
If you want the Taxi to pick you up, book your Taxi here:
Sogndal Airport
Take the airport bus from Sogndal direct to Sogndal Airport, Haukåsen. Ticket onboard the bus.
Daily departures from Sogndal to Bergen, Oslo, Sandane, Førde, Ørsta/Volda
Book your ticket here:
Mannheller - Fodnes
From Sogndal there is a 20 minutes drive to Mannheller (Kaupanger). When arrival Fodnes you can drive to Lærdal, Årdal, Aurland and Flåm. Find time schedules here:
Hella - Vangsnes
From Sogndal there is a 40 minutes drive to Hella (Leikanger) When arrival Dragsvik you can drive to Balestrand, or when arrival Vangsnes you can drive to Vik. Find time schedules here:
Transport from Sogndal
Find bus schedules from Sogndal to Bergen, Ålesund, Trondheim, Oslo here: